Blue Dart Sales at Rs. 652.31 crores

- The Company posted Rs. 50.05 cr profit after tax

Mumbai, February 10, 2016

Blue Dart Express Limited, South Asia's premier express air and integrated transportation, distribution and logistics company, today declared its financial results for the quarter ended December 31, 2015, at its Board Meeting held in Mumbai.

The company posted Rs. 50.05 crores profit after tax for the quarter ended December 31, 2015. Net Sales/Income from operations for the quarter ended December 31, 2015 stood at Rs. 652.31 crores.

Anil Khanna, Managing Director, Blue Dart Express Limited said, "The economy has had a fair share of challenges this quarter which has decelerated growth for the express industry. Blue Dart has been able to sustain the growth momentum in its performance and has shown a modest growth in revenues by effectively optimizing costs. Our commitment to deliver excellent service quality, high customer satisfaction and innovative methods to enhance our service offerings in Blue Dart Country has been persistent. We will continue to bring immense value to internal and external stakeholders by incorporating high benchmarks and quality standards in every aspect of business and remain the undisputed leader in the air and ground express industry in Blue Dart country".

He further added, "Blue Dart continues to be one of the most admired and awarded companies in India. Blue Dart was recently honoured as the Reader's Digest Most Trusted Brand - Gold, Superbrand and was awarded the Cargo Service Provider of the Year by Economic Times & KPMG lead ET Logistics Awards".

About Blue Dart: Blue Dart Express Ltd., South Asia's premier express air and integrated transportation & distribution company, offers secure and reliable delivery of consignments to over 34,718 locations in India. As part of the DP DHL Group (DHL Express, DHL Global Forwarding & DHL Supply Chain), Blue Dart accesses the largest and most comprehensive express and logistics network worldwide, covering over 220 countries and territories and offers an entire spectrum of distribution services including air express, freight forwarding, supply chain solutions and customs clearance.

The Blue Dart team drives market leadership through its motivated people force, dedicated air and ground capacity, cutting-edge technology, wide range of innovative, vertical specific products and value-added services to deliver unmatched standards of service quality to its customers. Blue Dart's market leadership is further validated by numerous awards and recognitions from customers for exhibiting reliability, superior brand experience and sustainability. Some of these include Superbrand and 'Reader's Digest Most Trusted Brand Award', one of 'India's Best Companies to Work For' by The Great Place to Workï¾® Institute five times in a row, 'Outstanding Contribution to the Cause of Education' - Global HR Excellence Awards 2011-2012, BSE Best CSR Practice Award and 22nd CFBP Jamnalal Bajaj Fair Business Practices Award - 2010 in the category of Service Enterprises (Medium) to name a few.

Blue Dart accepts its social responsibility by supporting climate protection (GoGreen), disaster management (GoHelp) and education (GoTeach).


Regd.Office : Blue Dart Centre,Sahar Airport Road, Andher(East), Mumbai - 400 099.

Tel: 28396444 Fax: 28244131 Website: e-Mail id:

(Rs in Lakhs)

Statement of Standalone Unaudited Results for the Quarter and Nine Months Ended

  Particulars Quarter Ended 31/12/2015(Unaudited) Quarter Ended 30/09/2015(Unaudited) Quarter Ended 31/12/2014(Unaudited) Nine Months Ended 31/12/2015(Unaudited) Nine Months Period 31/12/2014(Unaudited) Year Ended 31/03/2015(Audited)
1. Income from operations            
  (a)Net Sales/income from operations 65,231 65,144 58,885 192,335 169,745 226,845
  (b)Other operating income 70 2 77 4 5
  Total income from operations(net) 65,301 65,146 58,887 192,412 169,749 226,850
2 Expenses            
  (a)Freight,handling and servicing costs(net) 39,208 39,882 40,585 117,631 115,592 151,724
  (b)Employee benefits expense 11,074 9,586 8,181 29,840 23,631 31,945
  (c)Depreciation and amortisation expense 1,015 977 1,029 2,915 3,062 4,354
  (d)Other expenses 6,071 6,403 5,283 18,654 14,933 20,798
  Total expenses 57,368 556,848 55,078 169,040 157,218 208,821
3. Profit from operations before other income,finance costs and exceptional items 7,933 8,298 3,809 23,372 12,531 18,029
4. Other income 660 556 603 1,818 1,928 2,448
5. Profit from ordinary activities before finance costs and exceptional items 8,593 8,854 4,412 25,190 14,459 20,477
6. Finance costs 784 786 352 2,346 353 1,121
7. Profit from ordinary activities after finance costs but before exceptional items 7,809 8,068 4,060 22,844 14,106 19,356
8. Exceptional items - - - - - -
9. Profit from ordinary activities before tax 7,809 8,068 4,060 22,844 14,106 19,356
10. Tax expense 2,804 2,693 1,347 7,905 4,896 6,672
11. Net Profit from ordinary activities after tax 5,005 5,375 2,713 14,939 9,210 12,684
12. Extraordinary items (net of tax expense)            
13. Net Profit for the period 5,005 5,375 2,713 14,939 9,210 12,684
14. Paid-up equity share capital(Face value Rs 10/- per share) 2,373 2,373 2,373 2,373 2,373 2,373
15. Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserve as per Balance Sheet of previous accounting year           27,334
16.i Earnings per share(before extraordinary items)(of Rs.10/- each)(not annualised)            
  (a)Basic 21.09 22.65 11.43 62.96 38.81 53.46
  (b)Diluted 21.09 22.65 11.43 62.96 38.81 53.46
16ii. Earnings per share(after extraordinary items)(of Rs.10/- each)(not annualised)            
  (a)Basic 21.09 22.65 11.43 62.96 38.81 53.46
  (b)Diluted 21.09 22.65 11.43 62.96 38.81 53.46

Notes :

  1. Net Sales/income from operations (inclusive of fuel surcharge and currency adjustment factor) has recorded an increase of 10.78% for the quarter ended December 31, 2015 as compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
  2. The Company is primarily engaged in a single segment business of integrated air and ground transportation and distribution of time sensitive packages in India and is managed as one entity for its various service offerings and is governed by a similar set of risks and returns. The said treatment is in accordance with the guiding principles enunciated in the Accounting Standard on Segment Reporting (AS-17) as notified under Section 211(3C) [Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, as amended] of the Companies Act, 1956, pursuant to Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
  3. The prior period's figures have been regrouped and reclassified wherever necessary to conform to current period's classification.
  4. In accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing and Other Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Statutory Auditors have performed a limited review of the Company's financial results for the quarter ended December 31, 2015. There are no qualifications in the limited review report issued for the above period.
  5. The above results were reviewed by the Audit Committee and were thereafter approved by the Board at its meeting held on February 10, 2016.

By Order of the Board
For Blue Dart Express Limited



Anil Khanna
(Managing Director)
DIN: 01334483


Date : February 10, 2016
Place : Mumbai

For further information contact :
Dated : February 10, 2016

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