- Where can I find the delivery time taken for my shipment?
Transit Time Finder - Where can I find the applicable tariff for your services?
Price Finder or Service Guide or Contact Blue Dart - Are your services available from and to locations of my choice?
Location Finder - Are there any commodities banned on your delivery services? Where can I find them?
Banned Commodities - Where can I find the customs requirements for my international shipments?
Customs - Where can I find the regulatory requirements for my domestic shipments?
Regulatory - I would like to use your services. Can you send your representative to meet me?
Contact Blue Dart - Where can I find information on a shipment that has been sent to me?
Tracking - How can I change the address on a shipment that I have already handed over to Blue Dart?
Contact Blue Dart - Do you accept jewellery, precious stones or valuables?
Banned Commodities - Do you have convenient packaging with a built-in price for shipping that I can use?
We provide the Blue Dart Smart Box, DHL Express Documents (DOX), DHL Worldwide Package Express (WPX), DHL Jumbo Box and Jumbo Junior Box, and a wide range of unique Packaging options for convenient, secure and cost effective shipping. - I missed a delivery. How do I request for my shipment to be redelivered to me?
Contact Blue Dart