1. Where can I find the delivery time taken for my shipment?
    Transit Time Finder
  2. Where can I find the applicable tariff for your services?
    Price Finder or Service Guide or Contact Blue Dart
  3. Are your services available from and to locations of my choice?
    Location Finder
  4. Are there any commodities banned on your delivery services? Where can I find them?
    Banned Commodities
  5. Where can I find the customs requirements for my international shipments?
  6. Where can I find the regulatory requirements for my domestic shipments?
  7. I would like to use your services. Can you send your representative to meet me?
    Contact Blue Dart
  8. Where can I find information on a shipment that has been sent to me?
  9. How can I change the address on a shipment that I have already handed over to Blue Dart?
    Contact Blue Dart
  10. Do you accept jewellery, precious stones or valuables?
    Banned Commodities
  11. Do you have convenient packaging with a built-in price for shipping that I can use?
    We provide the Blue Dart Smart Box, DHL Express Documents (DOX), DHL Worldwide Package Express (WPX), DHL Jumbo Box and Jumbo Junior Box, and a wide range of unique Packaging options for convenient, secure and cost effective shipping.
  12. I missed a delivery. How do I request for my shipment to be redelivered to me?
    Contact Blue Dart
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For multiple queries use commas (,) eg: 79034111122, 79034111041


How to track

Location Finder Transit Time & Price Finder