Blue Dart to set up 45 facilities

News Clip : Economic Times, Delhi

23rd March, 2006.

Courier and integrated air express package distribution company Blue Dart plans to invest Rs 25 crore to set up an additional 45 facilities in the country in the current calendar year, managing director Malcolm Monteiro said on Wednseady. He said the Mumbai headquartered company aimed to add 1,21,645 sq ft facility area in the country to the present 6,00,000 sq ft in 2006, as it continued to grow. The company clocked revenues of Rs 536 crore in the January - December 2005 period, a 24 % growth. The current financial year's number are expected to be 'pretty much the same', he told reporters. It has deployed five Boeing 737 freighter - two owned and three taken on lease - for air support in the country and plans to add one more later this year. For the new addition, the company is looking at options on whether to acquire a Boeing freighter or take it on lease, Monteiro said.

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