Blue Dart Q1 net up at Rs 16.98 Cr

News Clip : The Hindu Business Line, Mumbai.

20th July, 2005.

Blue Dart Express has posted Rs 16.98-crore profit before tax for the quarter ended June 30 compared to Rs 13.23 crore in the corresponding previous period. The company which declared the results after the board meeting on Tuesday, said that net profit stood at Rs 10.40 crore (Rs 8.34 crore) while income from operations was Rs 129.35 crore, an increase of 29.62 per cent.

Mr Clyde Cooper, Managing Director, said that the company's sales growth has been sustained and, with the nation's economy on a steady growth path, the outlook was positive.

"We have continued to invest in our infrastructure and people, which are our key differentiators, to support increased demand for delivery capability and enhanced services. New facilities have been added in Mumbai, Bangalore, Lucknow, Agra and Tirupur."

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