Blue Dart Express Posts 50.27 pc Rise in Q1Net

News Clip : The Financial Express, Mumbai.

23rd July, 2004.

Volume growth and operations based on a fixed cost model helped Blue Dart Express post a net profit of Rs 8.34 crore in the first quarter ended June 30.

This represented a 50.27 per cent increase on the net profit of Rs 5.55 crore recorded in the previous corresponding period.

The Senior Vice-President, Mr Yogesh Dhingra, said income from operationat Rs 99.79 crore increased 22 per cent over the corresponding quarter last year (Rs 82.10 crore) due to the positive economic environment in the country.

The company's fourth aircarft, which began commercial operations earlier this year, had received a good response from the market and the freighter was recording good loads, he said. Profit before tax for the quarter stood at Rs 13.23 crore (Rs 8.66 crore). An offical statement quoting the managing director, Mr Clyde Cooper, said : " Blue Dart has enhanced capacity by investing in further facilities and strengthening its aviation infrastructure with the induction of a fourth aircraft and the addition of Hyderabad as the sixth hub on its aviation network."

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