Blue Dart Q4 net rises to Rs. 34 crores

News Clip: Business Standard

8th May, 2018

Logistics company Blue Dart Express Ltd today posted 38.19 per cent rise in standalone net profit at Rs. 34.13 crore for the quarter ended March 2018.

The company had posted a standalone net profit of Rs. 24.52 crore in the year-ago period, Blue Dart Express said in a BSE filing.

Standalone income of the company increased to Rs. 722.04 crore from Rs. 682.23 crore in the year-ago period.

The company's managing director Anil Khanna said, "We have witnessed a sluggish market sentiment due to a challenging economic environment, slowing business growth, hyper-active competitive pressures in B2B and B2C, introduction of GST and initial hiccups in e-way bill implementation, etc."

"We will steer our business further through automation and technology enhancement, by strengthening our network, expanding reach and improving our service quality while continuing with our insanely customer centric-culture with the support of our highly enthused and passionate team. Our customers, stakeholders, shareholders and our people remain our pillars of success," Khanna said.

In a separate filing, the company said, "Sharad Upasani, chairman has been re-appointed as an independent director of the company for another term of five years from July 23, 2019 till July 22, 2024 subject to necessary approval by the members at the ensuing annual general meeting.

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