Tushar Jani Elected Chairman, EICI

News Clip : Cargo Times

November, 2002

Source : Company Press Release

At its fifth Annual General Meeting (AGM) Express Industry Council of India (EICI) elected Tushar Jani as its new chairman. Tushar Jani succeeds Sandip Shah of Elbee Services.

Tushar Jani is a founder member and chairman of Blue Dart Courier Services. He has over 25 years of experience in the Shipping and Transport Industry. He was also responsible for pioneering inland logistics of sea freight containers to manufacturers. Having made substantial contributions to the development of the Indian express industry, Tushar Jani played an instrumental role in having the Courier Regulations promulgated by the Ministry of Finance - which was subsequently passed by the Parliament. Jani was also responsible for the setting up of the Domestic Courier Terminals at the Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai Airports and for the International Courier Terminal at Mumbai Airport. His efforts have resulted in making EICI the first private custodian of courier loads, with management control over operations.

Express Industry Council of India also re-elected Jitendra Sancheti, managing director of TNT India, as vice chairman.

Express Industry Council of India is an apex organisation representing leading express and courier companies operating in India. This body is responsible for setting up and maintaining service standards within the express industry, directing the course of action for the industry and protecting and promoting welfare of the member organisations.

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