Blue Dart sales at Rs 588.85 crore

News Clip: News Today, Chennai

31 January, 2015

Blue Dart Express Ltd on Thursday declared its fi nan- cial results for the quarter ended 31 December, 2014, at its board meeting held in Mumbai.

An official statement said, the company posted Rs 27.13 crore profit after tax for the quarter ended 31 De- cember, 2014. Net sales / income from operations for the quarter ended 31 December, 2014 stood at Rs 588.85 crore.

Managing director Anil Khanna said, 'We have been able to sustain our growth momentum in our performance this quarter, irrespective of the chal- lenging macro-eco- nomic envi- ronment. Going for- ward, we will drive our busi- ness further through the widest range of innovative products and services with the support of our passionate people force, dedicated air and ground infrastructure and superior technology'

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