Blue Dart to open new warehouse in Bhopal

News Clip :Pioneer, Bhopal

26th June, 2008.

Blue Dart announced the opening of a new warehouse in Bhopal on Wednesday. The warehouse will increase storing and handling capacity of shipments coming to and from Bhopal. This would further ensure better service quality offered to customers situated in the region.

Blue Dart will also strengthen its service centre in the city following increase in shipments from the city and the region.

The new facility will further boost trade as the company caters to major industry segments like Pharma & Healthcare, Banking, Telecom and Allied Industries. Blue Dart Is already servicing all major players in this segment and going ahead will further add value to businesses.

Speaking on the occasion, Samir Shah, General Manager, West 2 Region, Blue Dart Express Limited said, "Bhopal and the Central region have shown remarkable progress in the recent times.

The region is a promising destination for investments from both national and international companies, across industry segments.

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