Blue Dart sets up back-up tech hub in Bangalore

News Clip : Hindu Business Line , Bangalore

18th Aug, 2006.

Blue Dart has set up a back-up technology hub in Bangalore as part of its Business Contingency and Continuity plan (BCCP) to insure that all centralised applications and the Web interface for the customers are made available seamlessly.

Bangalore will serve as the standby site with real time switchover in the event of any eventuality at the company's Mumbai headquarters, which hosts the entire centralised operations and its Web site, said Mr Gopinath Menon, Senior Vice-President (South Region II), Blue Dart Express Ltd.

Talking to newsperson here on Thursday, Mr Menon said technology was a critical component in the company's distribution and logistics. Ms Tulsi Mirchandaney (Marketing and Products) said apart from he disaster recovery support system, BCCP had been established in view of the growing business volumes for which such data back up facility had become necessary. She said of the Rs 25 crore earmarked as capital expenditure for the current year. Blue Dart had already invested in upgrading the facilities and setting up the BCCP.

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