Our response to COVID -19  


As the impact of COVID – 19 spreads globally, Blue Dart’s business operations are being continuously adapted to mitigate potential impacts. In order to closely monitor and manage the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Deutsche Post DHL Group, of which Blue Dart is a part of, has established a coronavirus task force, led by DPDHL Group’s CEO Dr. Frank Appel. 

The task force also coordinates with international organizations (such as the WHO, CDC, ECDC and Robert Koch Institute) and provides the updated and necessary information to all employees and relevant operations on precautionary measures and legal obligations.
The safety of our employees and customers is paramount and the situation is changing rapidly, therefore constant monitoring is required. Under the supervision of the Group’s task force, we have contingency measures in place to mitigate any potential impact emerging from the spread of          COVID-19. 

The Group’s task force, 

  • Meets daily and updates top management on the evolution of the situation
  • Ensures our organizations in all countries we operate in follow official authorities protocols, both international organizations and local country health authority advisories (whichever sets the strictest rule)
  • Discusses and approves measures as the situation unfolds



We regularly update our employees via internal media, as well as via our local management teams. We publish updated information as it becomes available to reduce exposure to and transmission of the Coronavirus.

As a company with over 12,000 employees, we ensure our organization operates in accordance with the protocols of official authorities and local country health authority advisories.

Our “Safety First” principles with the following specific recommendations have been communicated:


Health Etiquette Recommendations

Social Distancing

  • Keep at least 1m (3ft) away from each other
  • Avoid physical contact (i.e., handshaking, hugging)
  • Consider if face-to-face meetings can be replaced by a teleconference or online event


Hygienic Etiquette

  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap & water (>20s.)
  • Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing (tissue or your flexed elbow)
  • Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose or mouth) with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, sneezing or coughing
  • Stay at home when you are sick, and when recommended by authorities
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects people frequently touch



Blue Dart with the Group's task force coordinates the implementation of accurate and tailor-made Business Contingency and Continuity Planning (BCCP) to all local conditions, and ensures immediate response and monitoring.

Our goal is to manage operations to guarantee, to the extent possible, an undisrupted service to our customers. Hence, we are mobilizing our Business Contingency and Continuity Plan, including pandemic operating plans, and implementing preventive actions as appropriate. 

These include daily updates to reduce exposure to and transmission of the coronavirus, self-quarantine precautionary measures in line with official authorities’ guidance and flexible working schedules.

Operational updates will be communicated as necessary on a region-by-region basis and by the respective business unit.

In case you need more detail about the actual operational status for your shipments and customers in your geography, please contact your account manager or customer service representative.

For more information, we recommend to visit WHO’s Q&A on coronaviruses (Covid-19), the CDC’s FAQ  on the issue.

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